Electricity Authority

Meter Register Content Codes

Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Ltd
Originally published 29 October, 2019, updated January 2020

The source data used for this analysis are taken from the Electricity Authority of New Zealand EMI website. The R statistical analysis package is used to transform and present the data in a more useable form, source code available from the 221b Data Refinery Github Repository. The key constraint on this dataset is the exclusion of de-energised sites (ICP Status 001). Read More…

Supplied and Submitted Volumes

Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Limited
Originally published 5 June 2019

Electricity industry participants (traders) in New Zealand are required to submit calendar normalised "submitted" energy volume (AV-080 for non half hour data, and AV-090 for half hour data), as well as the "supplied" (billed/invoiced) volume (AV-120). Refer: Reconciliation Manager Functional Specification v9.27. The normalised volumes are used for market settlement and clearance.
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NZ Electricity Reconciliation 101

Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Limited

A five minute overview of electricity volume reconciliation in the New Zealand electricity market

Why Volume Reconciliation
The purpose of electricity reconciliation is to ensure that generators and users of electricity are allocated the correct volume of energy for each half hour trading period. Payments from traders to generators are made on the basis of half hourly prices.
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