Consolidated Dashboard
06/03/20 16:40
By Malcolm Souness - Director 221b Limited
In my first role as an energy supply analyst, a whole series of reports for the Board were produced using separate spreadsheets and datasets. One thing that was missing was the ability to cross check and validate data for board reporting. Read More…
In my first role as an energy supply analyst, a whole series of reports for the Board were produced using separate spreadsheets and datasets. One thing that was missing was the ability to cross check and validate data for board reporting. Read More…
2020 Meter Register Review (2)
03/02/20 19:13
Generation Register Errors
By Malcolm Souness - Director 221b Limited
During January 2020, we undertook an investigation into electricity meter register configurations on New Zealand electricity networks.
One of the data quality issues identified is the configuration of NHH generation meter registers. Read More…
Meter Register Content Codes
23/01/20 21:17
Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Ltd
Originally published 29 October, 2019, updated January 2020
The source data used for this analysis are taken from the Electricity Authority of New Zealand EMI website. The R statistical analysis package is used to transform and present the data in a more useable form, source code available from the 221b Data Refinery Github Repository. The key constraint on this dataset is the exclusion of de-energised sites (ICP Status 001). Read More…
Originally published 29 October, 2019, updated January 2020
The source data used for this analysis are taken from the Electricity Authority of New Zealand EMI website. The R statistical analysis package is used to transform and present the data in a more useable form, source code available from the 221b Data Refinery Github Repository. The key constraint on this dataset is the exclusion of de-energised sites (ICP Status 001). Read More…
Supplied and Submitted Volumes
23/01/20 16:56
Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Limited
Originally published 5 June 2019
Electricity industry participants (traders) in New Zealand are required to submit calendar normalised "submitted" energy volume (AV-080 for non half hour data, and AV-090 for half hour data), as well as the "supplied" (billed/invoiced) volume (AV-120). Refer: Reconciliation Manager Functional Specification v9.27. The normalised volumes are used for market settlement and clearance.
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Originally published 5 June 2019
Electricity industry participants (traders) in New Zealand are required to submit calendar normalised "submitted" energy volume (AV-080 for non half hour data, and AV-090 for half hour data), as well as the "supplied" (billed/invoiced) volume (AV-120). Refer: Reconciliation Manager Functional Specification v9.27. The normalised volumes are used for market settlement and clearance.
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Retail and Network Tariff Schedules
23/01/20 16:44
Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Limited
Originally published 4 May 2016
Having worked within the energy sector for some time, I never thought that I'd find electricity pricing schedules interesting. Often published tariffs are taken for granted, however published tariffs not without errors. Read More…
Originally published 4 May 2016
Having worked within the energy sector for some time, I never thought that I'd find electricity pricing schedules interesting. Often published tariffs are taken for granted, however published tariffs not without errors. Read More…
Unaccounted for Electricity
23/01/20 16:36
Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Limited
Originally published 17 May 2016
Over the weekend I found myself looking into the monthly wholesale position of electricity retailers in different parts of New Zealand. The information isn't publicly available, however Market Participants can extract this information using the Reconciliation Manager's GR-120 "Report Unaccounted for Energy" (UFE) reports (refer to Reconciliation Manager Functional Specification pg 132). Read More…
Originally published 17 May 2016
Over the weekend I found myself looking into the monthly wholesale position of electricity retailers in different parts of New Zealand. The information isn't publicly available, however Market Participants can extract this information using the Reconciliation Manager's GR-120 "Report Unaccounted for Energy" (UFE) reports (refer to Reconciliation Manager Functional Specification pg 132). Read More…
NZ Electricity Reconciliation 101
21/01/20 23:16
Author: Malcolm Souness, Director, 221b Limited
A five minute overview of electricity volume reconciliation in the New Zealand electricity market
Why Volume Reconciliation
The purpose of electricity reconciliation is to ensure that generators and users of electricity are allocated the correct volume of energy for each half hour trading period. Payments from traders to generators are made on the basis of half hourly prices.
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A five minute overview of electricity volume reconciliation in the New Zealand electricity market
Why Volume Reconciliation
The purpose of electricity reconciliation is to ensure that generators and users of electricity are allocated the correct volume of energy for each half hour trading period. Payments from traders to generators are made on the basis of half hourly prices.
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